My first step in the development of this UI was identifying
target user categories for the UK market and analysing them, in order to emphatise with their experiences and needs.
One group I have identified is
university students. According to the
National Student Money Survey 2018, money is a daily struggle for this particular category. Areas affected by this concern include mental health, diet, relationships and school performance. Students often have to give up social events due to a lack of funds and are anxious because of their financial situation.
Another category of people who might benefit from Shopwiz is
indigent families, especially parents (since they are usually in charge of shopping and providing for the household). A study conducted by a
coalition of food charities on over 2000 UK parents has found that one fourth of them struggle with having enough food to eat and often skip meals. Shopping for food becomes a timely and depressing experience when you spend the majority of it making price comparisons.
I therefore created two personas to help me analyse the potential users' behaviours, struggles and aspirations.